Thursday, August 25, 2016

One By One

Hello my family! Its nice to hear all the good news from you people. Mom I heard you people had a Tanner Smith over for dinner. He is a missionary. Him and Elder Larson went to school together. How crazy is that! Also crazy is that Jerry Cripe saw the picture Elder Snow's dad posted on facebook of us and Jessica saw it and was like "Wow what the heck". I guess Jerry and Bro Snow were friends in high school or something! Crazy...... just crazy. 
Crazy seems to describe how this week went by. It all culminated with getting to see, hear from, and shake hands with Elder David A. Bednar, Elder Terrence M. Vinson, and Elder Vern P. Stanfill. The last two names are the president and 2nd counselor in the Africa West area presidency consecutively. It was on the whole a most exciting and spiritually enriching experience. The thing that seemed to be the topic was one by one. A choir of our missionaries sang a song with the words written by Elder Bednar. He told us the reason and meaning of the words right after they sung. It was his personally testimony and witness that the Savior had great enough power to change the flow of time long enough to physically suffer for us one by one. If you look at the ordinances of the gospel even the pattern in which they are administered is one by one. As he spoke to us and answered questions, the Spirit filled the air and touched my heart. Questions I had but couldn't ask for time were answered. Some of them weren't even spoken out loud but the answers came all the same through the power of the spirit. All in all it was a most wonderful experience.
I love you all very much and am most grateful for all of you. I am happy and healthy and doing well and I hope all of you are feeling the same!

sheet musicsheet music

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