Hello Beloved Family and Friends,
We received an email from Elder Walch today just before he left the Ghana MTC. It was quite short but he gave us his travel info to Kumasi (a 40 minute flight from Accra) and shared a touching experience. So I am pasting his email into this email for all of you. He sounds happy and I am so glad.
I fly out to Kumasi at 1:00 Ghana time which makes it 4:00 am California time. We are entering the HOT AS THE DEVIL season and it pretty much stinks. Every morning we wake up to the calling of the roosters and car horns. It always smells like smoke from the tire fires these people have like every day:/ its so gross. I love my district though they are a bunch of swagtastic bosses. I'm so so happy to be here!!! I love these people so much! In the MTC we learned a lot about the Spirit and its essential role in conversion. Never before have I felt such a sweeter Spirit than coming from these Africans. Here is a people who have come here from all over Africa to be a part of something big. Something that they deem bigger than themselves. We had a lesson on a scripture in I think 2nd Nephi that goes something like this:To all those who forsake their family, their wives, their friends, their homes in the service of the Lord,The instructor then looked up and said:"How many of you have sacrificed something to get here?"a vast majority of the Africans raised their hands. The instructor began to cry and read the next part of the verse,"they shall be restored to him an Hundred fold."
I sat there amazed at what happened next. The Africans started to sing the last verse of Come Come ye Saints. These people are so much greater than me. It is an honor to be here among them. Anyways Love you guys!!! Love Elda Wash ; )
Some Random Fun Pictures!
This picture is self explanitory! Read the sign and you will know what is not allowed .A van filled with stuff! But we love the words on the back window.
Elda Wash (how his name is pronounced by the natives...so cute) is in the Helaman District while at the MTC. This page shows the day they will be attending the temple.
This is a picture of the two districs comprised of mostly Americans going to Kumasi. Elder Walch is in the bottom picture on the far left.
What a beautiful place to be! The temple in Accra Ghana.
Elda Wash ..You are so amazing and always have been ! So excited that you are in Ghana and loving the people and experiencing so many wonderful and beautiful things in that country ! Lucky you to be on a mission for our Lord and Savior in such an area that loves the Savior and adores the missionaries ! Stay strong and healthy and HAPPY! Love, Sister Cooper