Thursday, July 2, 2015

Mr. Mac

Last week the family  went to Oregon for a family reunion. On the way there, we stopped in Utah to  get some missionary clothes for Mason. Of course, we had to go to Mr. Mac - even though he had never heard of the Mr. Mac "Challenge."
The "challenge" consists of entering the store and trying to touch the back wall before one of the employees asks if they can help you. We didn't even make it 20 feet  before we were met with defeat. Competative by nature, Mason took his shellacking surprisingly well.

He got the Missionary Kit which includes, among other things,  suit coats. However, the Ghana mission precludes the wearing of a suit coat - too hot and too humid. They were kind enough to switch out the suit coat for extra pants.  The hunting was good that day, my friends.

1 comment:

  1. This was a fun trip. Everyone in there was so helpful ; )
